That is all for this set. The pictures of Brandon Hill were somewhat disappointing imo but at least some of the Harbourside ones came out nice.
The next set will be pictures of Bristol Zoo. However, that will take a few days at the very least as I juggle between packing, finding out my results and editing the pictures. The zoo outing was quite a challenging one as I found myself in unfamiliar (and naturally, unfavourable) shooting conditions. But sadly, that will be a story for another day.
Sooo.... signing out for now. Be back in a couple of days! (...hopefully)
Dont know if subjects and sceneries are just easy to pick and find in Bristol, or your eyes are getting better at spotting them, can see a steady progression of quality in terms of your photography.
anyway, Bristol to me, i havent been there obviously, but through my studies -is the heart of capitalism. Right next to Manchester City in terms of Industrialization/Industrial revolution.
Was wondering if you could find scenes, or subjects reflecting my perception of it.
Oh, iirc Bristol was the most bombed Britain City in WW2 as well. If you could find some V1, V2 rocket shell casings, that would be great! :P
Orrr I could've just gotten lucky lol. Take a 100 shots, 1 or 2 are bound to turn up nice :P
Well they used to have an Industrial Museum of some sort, but it closed down some time in Year 2 (which coincidentally is when I chose to go visit that place) so I never got to see it :(
And I've never really come across the sort of things that you mentioned. Is your Bristol and my Bristol different? :(
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