I wouldn't say the shots were fantastic, but it definitely was something different compared to what I've been shooting all along. Sadly, my camera died early in this trip. I do not know if it's a fault with the camera itself or the batteries, but I ran through 2 pairs of batteries shooting only less than 200 pictures/2 hours. As a result, I missed some rather interesting shots :(
Anywho, on to the pictures.
I wonder what he's grinning at...
I have to say, I really liked the skin 's level of detail in this picture
His facial expression reminds me of a certain, oft-used MSN smiley. Agree?

Can be really hard to tell which is leaf and which is insect at first glance

Here, have a random beetle
That's it for Part 1. Can't promise when I can get the remaining 2 parts up but I'll do what I can.
lol that leaf insect is one cool species.
wah damn siok your camera.
but this is the reptile section? lol
Ben, apparently, that variant of leaf insect was imported from Cameron Highlands :O
Roy, thanks :D
Well, reptile AND insects. I'm glad you liked one picture so much you ported it to MSN :P
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