Monday, 31 August 2009

Europe July '08 Part 9.2/12 - Florence

Just wrapping up the set before the month is over.

No trip to Italy is ever complete without a picture of a local beauty, of course

That concludes the Florence set. Venice is next. Soon.


Killl_Roy said...

I was talking to my friends here about a Eurotrip. and they all said they need me to be there as well because I study European history. im like "=.="

then i showed them your blog, and they asked me every picture "whats this?" "i dont know >.<" because you dont label them !


moe said...

Ahahaha what can I say, since you studied European history, you should be the one telling me what those stuff are :P

Killl_Roy said...

Going to be 1 year since your last post.

moe said...

Alas, I'm afraid whatever this blog first set out to do, facebook does it now with much more ease.