Tis' my favourite shot from the set

That's it for now. Don't think I'll be able to get any new updates until my exams are over (around early June). But I definitely have a lot of things lined up after that so stay tuned!
Moe's photo blog. Taking on the world with his trusty prosumer.
Mustve been some really odd hour when you got there, taking those pictures..
theres not a single soul to be seen! which, is a good thing of course..dont want filthy humans tainting your photos :P
yeah the 1st picture was postcard grade
Haha yeah I went out late, around 6-7pm coz it was raining earlier and when it stopped raining, I was caught up in *cougharenas*. Luckily the sun sets around 8pm so there was still enough light to snap stuff.
Lol tainting is a very strong word to use :P
But yeah I liked the peace and quiet while I was up the hill. It was nice, cooling and windy as well. I could've just sat there and let my mind run all day.
But somehow, I feel that my pictures lack a sort of vibrance.. like very not lively, no oomph lidat.
About the oomph, I think scenery-shots are more towards "absorbing" the viewer into the picture, so its natural that you dont feel "imposed upon" whislt looking at these pictures.
having said that, the last 2 "castle/church" shots were objective in nature, so technically it should make the viewer feel apprehended by its awe and majesty, however, the hour in which you took these pictures -dusk and after a rain, its as if them two are going to "rest" after a harddays work. a Tiger retreating up to the mountains after a drink of water to sign out for the day wont look as intimidating or as fiercesome as it would if it was "coming down" from the mountain to start the day's hunt lol. Chinese ppl believed that a painting of a tiger coming down a slope is a very powerful image, so powerful its not suited for people with weaker, more docile personalities. So yeah, a castle/church facade during the evening is a peaceful one.
I hope you understood that, thats just my personal observations and feelings put into text. still, theyre great shots, looking at them, i got the "sucked in" feeling.
edit: double posted the same thing, so removed the 2nd one.
P/P/s: oh, and because the 1st few shots feature a road/path leading in wards, it kinda tempts the viewers curiosity out of them selves and into the picture (whats down the bend?), hence lacking the "ooomph!", i would say its more like an "ehhhh?" effect
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