Kitchens should really come with their own warning labels
Well the room bit was fine. No bloodstain on the walls or stuff like that. What's next? To check out the kitchen of course. Boy was I in for a surprise

Believe it or not? All this junk came from one person only
Yup, not the ideal way to kick off the year. Kitchen was in a complete mess and I could kinda guess how my year would go.
Fast forward 8 months to June 07. Nothing has changed

Looks can be deceiving. You'll never guess what's under the bin..

Even the poor bee can't take it anymore
Not to mention that everytime I enter the kitchen now, there's this funny smell coming out of somewhere... At least I only have a few more days before I leave this damn place and never come back. Sure hope I get better housemates next year.

October 06
Yup, nothing has changed alright.
Which leads me to believe - there's no such thing as a dirty kitchen, only lousy housemates.
ai...'nth has been changed' tht's so so true!!. u know, i always help wif them to clean da cook'n system, or do their washing:$
4tunately u're leaving soon, u can get rid of da hell but i...><
shall we make some change lata?
Haha I always take out the rubbish also, gotten bored with it because no one else ever does it.
Later I'll be busy packing. I've decided not to care anymore about the kitchen and spend as little time there as possible :P
my condolence to the bee. :) anyway good for u to leave the place soon.
your housemate plagiarized me.
tell him/her to expect to meet men in black suits soon.
hahhaa nice nice =P
Thats the beauty of unite house! haha
yepyep all over! when are you heading back?
If I knew where you lived, I swear I'd bring some of it over to your place :P
Leaving Bristol this Thursdayyy. Can't wait to go home!
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