The shots to come is a summary of a typical day at work. They were all taken with my phone's camera so the quality is abysmally terrible, but do bear with me (sidenote: taking donations for a new sony camera phone).
Out of the tunnel, into the jam along one end of Jalan Sultan Ismail. Fortunately the wait is only 5 minutes tops
Morning meetings at 8. Yours truly will be having a hand at preparing the stuff to be said at such meetings
That's my desk at L3. It's not even 8:30am so I am still entitled to surf unrelated sites I believe :P
Zipping forward in time (and cutting out all the boring regulatory talk), it's 5:30pm. Punctuality at its finest, and it's off I go
Post-dinner, shower and checking mails/replying messages, 10:30pm means it's time to go to bed. Sleep, wake up the next day, and the grind repeats itself
So that's how a typical day goes. Some of these will probably change as I rotate across different departments but I suppose it'll still be as grindful as ever.
The Montreux shots.. next week maybe? :P