Sunday, 22 July 2007

Jason's EK9

Managed to take some pics of Edward Kong kau when he dropped by to visit a few days back
Not much to be said here. Just one very very nice car to admire.

What's in a mind

As I sit here by myself, sipping my latte, I let my mind wander off, I started to think..

about how it all started off, from our regular mamak meets
about how one trip became two, and how very different it was
about how windy the roads were, and how a bus would topple at the corkscrew

picture courtesy of jason

about how heavily it rained, and how slow you drove as soon as it began to pour
about how you dropped your walkie talkie, and your obscene gesture after that
about how many rounds of drinks you had, and how you had so much to talk about
about marrybrown, and the randomness of suddenly eating there
about the company, and who you went up with

picture courtesy of jason

about how you lay motionless after a 16 wheeler hit you

picture courtesy of jason

about your attempt to perform a silly walk right after the accident

picture courtesy of jason

and lastly and most regretfully
about how I wasn't there.

Thursday, 12 July 2007

Perhentian Island Summer '07 Part 4/4 - The Last Day

Wish you were here Roy

Christopher's favourite rock

Our very cool looking boat driver

Shot of the moon while waiting for our long-overdued bus to come pick us up

That's it for Perhentian Island pictures. Hope you guys liked it! Will be starting work on Monday so probably won't have much time to go take pictures anymore for the time being =(

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Perhentian Island Summer '07 Part 3/4 - Scenic Shots

Here are some scenic shots of the island. The first 2 days were pretty bad for photographs because of cloudy skies and not-so-clear waters. Thankfully, the last day was nice and sunny.

The hibiscus, Malaysia's national flower

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

Perhentian Island Summer '07 Part 2/4 - Activities on the Island

Here are some activities that kept us occupied throughout the trip.


Beach volleyball

Posing on the beach

Throwing rocks into the sea, trying to outbounce one another

Pretending to be a spiderbear

And naturally, eating

We also went snorkelling but I didn't take any pictures for fear of drowning my camera. Nightlife in Perhentian include playing cards (and making people go into smelly toilets as a form of punishment), eating/mamaking (there's a little restaurant downstairs which serves authentic Mamak cuisine) and watching blur pirated VCDs in the common area.

Perhentian Island Summer '07 Part 1/4 - Accommodation Blues

Upon reaching the island on the first day, we were all pretty excited and looking forward to begin our relaxing holiday. Shortly after, we were given the keys to our room and we quickly went off to look for our room. Door opens and.....

Oh, the horror

Yup, the rooms were really sad. Not exactly the way we pictured ourselves spending this holiday. We were already beginning to count down the days till we go home.

After an hour or so, we saw a group of people packing and leaving the place. We made some small talk and found out that they're shifting to another resort a short walk away from our current place. Well, it can't get any worst can it? We then decided to have a look at this other resort.

Zomgbbq we were out of that shithole in like flashbangshazam and checked into Arwana Perhentian Resort. Best decision ever made and it made our trip VERY MUCH MORE bearable. Only after that were we able to really enjoy the holiday.
So next time you're planning a trip, never ever stinge on the accommodation. It makes alot of difference.

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

I'm Back

Just got back from holiday on Sunday. I was at Perhentian Island from Wednesday to Sunday (should have been back by Saturday, but the bus screwed us over big time). Took quite a fair bit of pictures so will be awhile before I finish uploading all of em. Hope to get it all up by the end of the week.